Wednesday, June 16, 2010

California dreaming, continued.

California Dreaming.

We just retured from a family vaca. to Yosemite and Napa Valley. Amazing time: family, fun, great food, and of course wine (Hello Napa!). Here are a few shots:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nine months old!

The last nine months have flown by! The blessings have been countless and the fun endless.
Currently on the fun list: playing in the sand, swinging, playdates with her friends, eating eggplant (or anything, really), standing up (with help) and smiling at Bender (who could still care less).
Love you little Chicken!

Loving solids- as in the plate!

While Sophia enjoys 'real' food, she generally is more interested in her plate, bowl, and cups...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Family photos

Wanted to share some photos taken by Nikki at Woods Studio. We love them, thanks Nikki.

This one's for you Connor!

Hi Connor, Baby wanted me to post some photos of what she has been up to lately (other than missing you, that is): Just normal stuff like, eating a bag, playing with blocks, sitting on a park bench and taking a bath.

But my fav is reading a book with you and Auntie M.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Doppio espresso, Papou and Sophia

Doppio espresso is baby approved when hanging with Papou, no wonder she loves him so much :).

A Doppio espresso, more commonly called a 'standard double' is an extra strong double shot of espresso, without milk, water or cream.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

face off

Sophia continues to be VERY interested in Bender. Bender continues to watch Sophia from a distance; we think Bender is confused that Sophia is... STILL HERE. The best moments are when Sophia gets little fist fulls of B's hair. Sorry, B!